So, if it isn't obvious, I'm going to be joining in the fray! It'll be a nice kick in the bum to get my book done!
I can't wait!!
So, here's my word count bar. I'll try and make a smaller one for the side of the blog over there, somewhere. but for now, I like this one
In other news, I'M SO CLOSE TO GETTING MY NEW BANNER! I was going to wait to gush until the day i got the banner and put it up, but MY GOD! I love her art! I'm in love! And she's so professional, keeping up with showing me the progress, making sure I get it the way I want. Go check her site out now! Her name is Dominique Gammage and her art is so beautiful! Yes, I'm fan girling! Was introduced to her through my best friend's friend's little sister. You know what, just go check her out.
I can't wait to show you guys the new banner! Shouldn't be too long now! I am so excited!! *flails around*
Okay, okay, enough for now. Good luck to all of you in your writing endeavors!
You guys doing any kind of writing challenges? Anything you want to brag about, like a new layout, new shirt, new anything?
I did NaNo last year and had a blast. I think I'll be doing it this year again. Good luck with the challenge. I can't wait to see your new banner. :)