I think the shower is the best thing ever created.
Like, seriously.
During November, (I think just about everyone here knows what NaNo is) I failed. The story wasn't coming the way it should have been, it sucked, it was lame.
I've been fighting with the plot. I have the end. The end fuggin ROCKS! I want to write the end sooooo bad! But I don't write out of sequence.
Anyways, I have almost 5,000 words of my story and like... 4,800 words are going to go POOF. Cause they're no longer needed.
But that's okay! (kind of. There is one scene I love but it no longer fits :( ) I have my plot! Kind of! But that's okay! I know it is!
So happy!!
Tomorrow, I'm going to have a lovely post about stuff, that I was going to post today. But this was more important!!
Off to dance now!
7 years ago